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Our Approach

We recognise our operations around the world impact a broad range of sustainability areas. We understand we must make progress in each of them to ensure we protect society.

Materiality assessment

We undertook our first materiality assessment in FY22 to identify material environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues, which means they have the potential to substantively affect our ability to create value in the short, medium and long term, and are of importance to our stakeholders.

Two employees working on a production line

Materiality matrix

The results of our materiality matrix have underpinned the evolution of our sustainability agenda, with the creation of the four key pillars that make up our sustainability agenda.

A visual representation of a 'Materiality matrix' showcasing the pivotal role it plays in shaping our sustainability agenda. This matrix has guided the development of our four key pillars, driving the evolution of our sustainability strategy.
  1. Cybersecurity and data protection
  2. Business conduct and ethics
  3. Sustainability in supply chains
  4. Low carbon transition and climate impacts
  5. Energy use and GHG emissions
  6. Product design and life cycle
  7. Human rights and labour standards
  8. Waste management and the circular economy
  9. Talent attraction, development and retention
  10. Remuneration and payment practices
  11. Water management
  12. Occupational health, safety and wellbeing
  13. Diversity, inclusion and equal opportunities
  14. Community wellbeing

Our pillars

Our sustainability agenda is underpinned by four distinct pillars: our planet, our supply chain, our customers and our colleagues and communities. Within each pillar, we have identified priority objectives, which will require initiatives to be established and will be closely monitored by the Board.

Targets have been agreed against these ambitions and will help drive forward engagement. Each pillar also has a number of other focus areas that support the priority objectives and are necessary for us to manage as part of our day-to-day stewardship.

Our planet

The climate impacts the life-threatening situations in which our products and services help save lives. Working towards our climate goal, building in more circularity and the targeted use of resources will help us mitigate and adapt to protect our planet.


  • UN SDG 7 Affordable and clean energy
  • UN SDG 9 Industry, innovation and infrastructure
  • UN SDG 12  Responsible consumption and production
  • UN SDG 13 Climate action
Our Customers

Our customers carry out vital work in life-threatening situations – often in support of protecting the community. They can safely perform with confidence knowing that we protect at every interface with our products and services. From innovative design, to use, aftercare and data protection, we meet the changing needs of our customers.


  • UN SDG 9 Industry, innovation and infrastructure
Our supply chain

Ensuring a continuous supply of high quality, ethically sourced raw materials and components is critical for us as a trusted partner. Supporting our value chain partners on their sustainability journey will ensure a resilient supply chain that protects the needs of our planet, customers and suppliers.


  • UN SDG 12 Responsible consumption and production
  • UN SDG 13 Climate action
Our colleagues and communities

Our mission is only achievable as a result of our exceptional, highly engaged colleagues. As a major employer in the areas we operate in, community engagement is important to us, ensuring we contribute an inclusive workplace, with strong values and new opportunities for current and future colleagues.


  • UN SDG 8 Decent work and economic growth